When to Get New Headshots

Head-shots Time to re-shoot?

When to Get New Headshots




As an actor, your headshots are, indeed, some of your most important tools, and you may be wondering when you should get new headshots.  A lot of actors face this question. I am here to help! Enjoy my vlog and my tips below regarding when actors should get new headshots.

When you drastically change your look

Are you a natural blonde that has decided to go red?  Did you just chop off all of your hair? Shave off a long beard? You get the idea.  You definitely want to get new headshots if you decide to permanently change your look.  Before making the drastic change, you may want to have a strategic conversation with your agent regarding timing and where to get new headshots.  If you are making a small enough change, new headshots may not be necessary.

When you age

For child actors, I recommend getting new headshots every year because children’s appearances change so much with each passing year.  As an adult, you could go through a life period in which you look pretty much the same for almost a decade. That does NOT mean that you should wait a decade to get new headshots.  It’s always good to update and refresh your materials. You are a different person now than you were 2 years ago. Even if your face and hair look almost exactly the same, you’re not the same.  I would recommend that adults get headshots at least every 2 years.

When you decide to rebrand

This is an extension of the above bit about how you are always changing as a person.  You may discover, through acting classes, through introspection, and through booking results, that you would like to rebrand yourself to play different types of roles.  Perhaps you only saw yourself as a comedic actor — then got involved in a dramatic film and loved it.  You may need new headshots that will get you into rooms for dramatic projects (and vice versa).

When you sign with a new agent

Often, when you sign with a new agent, he or she will want you to get headshots. This is because the agent has some specific ideas in mind regarding how to pitch you.  Have a strategic conversation: why are you getting new headshots, and what will they accomplish? What types of TV shows are you right for, what clothing should you wear, and what types of expressions should you go for.  The more in depth you go, and the more prepared you are, the better.

As always, have fun developing your brand and getting new headshots!

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