Young Los Angeles Actress Shares Talent Showcase Experience

Young Los Angeles Actress Shares Talent Showcase Experience

Young Los Angeles Actress Shares Talent Showcase Experience

Today, we are thrilled to share Riley Thompson’s Talent Showcase experience! Since her Talent Showcase, she has more confidence. Whether she is walking into an audition audition room, or meeting new friends, Riley walks into a room loud and proud. Thanks to our acting school, Riley has everything she needs to make it in the entertainment world. Now, she has a demo reel, headshots, and expert advice when it comes to picking a scene, an agent, and more!

Riley is an incredibly talented young actress! She is a dancer with nine years of training under her belt! Riley Thompson is a master of many styles, ranging from jazz to hip hop to ballet. Also, she plays volleyball, basketball and soccer, is an avid archer, an excellent swimmer, and she plays a mean game of ping-pong. Talk about multi-talented! That kind of passion and hard work is sure to bring her success in the world of entertainment. Special skills? Riley has that covered.

We are so proud to watch our students grow. Our showcase boosts confidence that students take to the classroom, diving board, tennis court, or ballet barre.

Watch the video below to hear from Riley herself!

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