Stay In Character: An Acting Tip

How to Stay in Character

Stay In Character: An Acting Tip

What does it mean to “stay in character”? 

When you stay in character you extend the moment and maintain the illusion that the scene you’re in is real. It helps your audience forget their worries and invites them into the wonderful world of make-believe storytelling. Think what a great opportunity actors provide when they maintain a strong persona throughout a scene. 

The audience get to see parts of themselves in every type of role, good or bad. This allows the them to discover and explore their life’s perspectives. Their likes, dislikes, morals, values, and how they see the world. 

Take the acting tip, to remain in character, when saying your lines and especially in between the lines. It’s the moments in between the lines where we really see characters react, think, feel, and decide. Some of the best acting comes with many memorable, unspoken moments because good actors stay in character. Take note when you watch shows and movies how much you relate to the actor who is not saying anything. Who is simply reacting to what is being said or what is happening by their ability to stay in their role.

When actors get their script, and see they only have a few lines, the best actors know how crucial every second is on camera to fully inhabit their part. Remember there are no small parts, only small actors! Make sure you have done your preparation so you can dive into the character.

Take a look at this video of our  students in our teen acting class applying this audition tip.

The acting class was directed to play the same character. Watch how each had their own unique way of delivering the lines. This makes the scene entertaining and comedic.

Remember, the camera can get the audience right up close to your face, your eyes, where they get to see the most subtle, nuanced change in expression or attitude. Often, just a shift in thought can be enough to produce an exquisite, true moment for the camera. Be that true moment and move the audience emotionally by staying in character.

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