3-2-1- Acting Showcase…Prepared us for the Industry.

321 Acting Showcase...Prepared us for the industry.

3-2-1- Acting Showcase…Prepared us for the Industry.

ShowcaseWe’ve been coming to 3-2-1- Acting school for ten months and I’ve seen a big improvement in the girls. They are more confident!  And when we go to the store, they love to act. Like, when Jasmine wears a Wal-Mart shirt, she was asking people how she could help them! We love coming to 3-2-1-everyone feels like family. The girls never want to leave! If they had it there way, they would be coming here more than once a week. They always want to hang out with everyone after acting class. We’ve become good friends with a lot of parents and other kids around here. This is a second home. And they talk about their Commercial and Scene Study acting classes  to all of their friends at home and tell them to come take a class!

Madison my 11 year old signed with Central Artists Agency through the Showcase and Acting Career Program and Miss Frances put in a good word for 8 year old Jasmine to sign with her agent. Because Jasmine had so many classes here, that helped her get signed. A number of the younger kids that are submitted to agents don’t have a lot training in acting, but the agent was happy that Jasmine had taken classes and was still training. They were actually really impressed because my kids had their work permits, Coogan accounts… things that we learned through the Showcase program that  helped us prepare for everything in advance.”

-Sarah Speer, Mom