“Ryan got 6 callbacks!”

Ryan and Mom

“Ryan got 6 callbacks!”

"Ryan got 6 callbacks!"

Ryan Rodriguez

3-2-1-Acting Studios sat down with mother Rosario Rodriguez to discuss the recent success of her son Ryan Rodriguez. “I like how professional the team here was and how they helped Ryan every step of the way. And getting him ready to get in front of the agents, as well as, preparing his material that he was going to perform.” View the testimonial of their experience at 3-2-1-Acting and how “Ryan got 6 callbacks!”




Interviewer: All right so tell me a little bit about what you liked about Showcase Program.

Rosario: Many things, I liked a lot of things. I liked how professional the team here was and how they helped Ryan every step of the way in getting him ready to get in front of the agents. As well as preparing his material that he was going to perform.

Interviewer: Okay awesome. Do you think he’s ready to go on and be in TV and all that good stuff because of this program?

Rosario: Oh, absolutely, I think it’s very helpful. Anyone who’s interested in acting, I think this is the place to be.

Interviewer: Okay, tell me more about that.

Rosario: Just the training the team here was very…Ryan felt comfortable, they were very approachable, they’re very available whenever we had questions and just explaining everything to us. So I just felt that I was always in the loop and I knew where things were going and then Ryan was very happy here, whenever we were bring him to class and to Showcase.

Interviewer: Oh great, and have you met with many agents yet?

Rosario: Yes, we have. Ryan did get six call backs so very, very, very exciting. So we met with four and we have two more to go.

Interviewer: So exciting. What kinds of things did you learn in Showcase to prepare him for the real world of acting?

Rosario: That it’s a business, you know what I mean? I mean Ryan is having a good time, but also he needs to understand that, you know, it does take an hour to get to meetings. It takes preparation for him to learn his material and 3-2-1 helped me understand like the whole process to what we needed to accomplish before we could actually meet in front of the agents.

Interviewer: And do you think Ryan has changed since he started the program?

Rosario: Yes, I feel that Ryan is more confident and that he believes in himself and that he understands that there’s a big responsibility with acting.

Interviewer: Awesome and how excited are you to sign with an agent?

Rosario: Oh my goodness, I’m thrilled I’m like, “Okay, let it begin, let the fun begin.”

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