How to set new year Acting Goals

How to set New Year Goals for your Acting Career

How to set new year Acting Goals

How to set new year acting goals? Let me help you. As we enter a new year, 2021  it’s time to set acting goals!  This is a very exciting time of the year and a great time to create a quality career game plan.

I will give you some great tips so that you can set your acting goals. One’s that you can actually accomplish!  Here is my advice:

Review your previous year.

As I’m sure you know, it’s always great to learn from the past before planning for the future!  Take some time to review 2020 before you set your new year acting goals. I would suggest writing out three lists.  On the first list, you can write down all of the things you are really proud of that you accomplished! When creating your second list, you can write down any challenges that you faced or areas that you would like to improve in.  On the third list, you can write down anything that you set out to accomplish last year that you did not get to.

Celebrate how far you’ve come.

Before you set new year acting goals, take time to celebrate all of your wins!  You’ve accomplished so much already, and you should be proud of how far you’ve come.  Write down everything great that happened in 2019, and give yourself a pat on the back!

Divide your life into categories.

I would suggest dividing your life into categories based on your priorities.  Here are some examples of life categories: acting career, health, finances, family, creativity, community, side jobs.  I would suggest choosing 3-5 “life categories” to focus on as you set your goals for the year.  

Prioritize your categories.

While your acting career is, of course, a top priority, keep in mind that your other life categories will impact your acting career.  For example, it’s really important that you have a strong community of like-minded friends! One way to connect with a supportive community would be to sign up for an acting class, such as 3-2-1- Acting Studio’s acting classes in Los Angeles.   Also, your finances are an important part of your life plan as well as your acting career plan. I would suggest ranking your categories in order of priority for the year.

Set goals within each category.

Once you’ve prioritized your life categories, you can begin to set 2020 acting goals.  Within your acting career category, think about the big picture of 2020 and what you would like to accomplish.  Do you want to book your first guest starring role this year? Do you want to sign with a new agent? Write down all of your goal ideas, and choose the top 1-3 goals that you would like to accomplish.  Then, move on to the next category. For example, if you’ve decided to prioritize finances, you can state an acting income goal for the year as well as an income goal for any other support job(s) that you have.

Break the goals down into steps.

Now that you’ve set 2020 acting goals, you can work backwards, breaking down each goal into steps!  This is the most important thing that you can do when you set your goals. When you break the goal down into steps, you will feel more confident that you can reach your goal.

Take the first step!

Why wait? Now that you’ve set new year acting goals, you can go ahead and do one action item on your list. You are now one step closer to achieving your goals in 2020. Bravo!

Have fun.

As always, be sure to have fun. Setting goals is an inspiring process.  I always suggest finding an accountability partner to work with on your goals.  This will be someone that you check in with on a regular basis so that you can measure one another’s progress — and celebrate one another’s wins.

Good luck, and Happy New Year!