Getting Started in Social Media

Getting Started in Social Media

Getting Started in Social Media

Social Media: First Steps for Actors

If you are an actor that hasn’t yet gotten into social media, I have outlined some social media first steps for you in my video and also in this blog post! It is so important for actors to have a strong social media presence. But where does one get started? For those of you who are on social media but not really using it regularly — or have not yet fully embraced social media — here are my tips regarding social media first steps.

Clarify your brand.

Before you sign up for every platform and go full speed, it’s so important to clarify who you are and what it is that you are selling. One of the most important social media first steps is planning!  Are you a comedic actor who loves to sing? Then you fan factor in some great musical theatre posts.  Are you someone who loves the great outdoors? Then perhaps you can take some photos of yourself in nature and compile some inspiring quotes.  Do you love to write? Are you a very dramatic actor who wants to do intense drama roles? Then you may want to feature some of your more dramatic headshots and footage on your profiles.  

Choose your platforms.

One of the key social media first steps: choosing the best social media platforms for you.  You don’t need to use every single platform, but, once you start, you definitely want to be consistent — and to commit.  Do you love words and writing? Then Twitter will be a great outlet for you!  Do you enjoy photography and exploring nature?  Then you should definitely use Instagram.  And of course, for all performers — especially dancers and singers — wishing to have the opportunity for a video to go viral, there’s TikTok.

Keep it light.

Even if you are the most dramatic of actors, keep your social media optimistic and positive. Avoid political debates and public fights of any kind.  You don’t know if your views might change down the road, and once you post something, you cannot go back and undo it.  Also, if you are a child or teen actor — or want to be considered for children’s programming — make sure to always use clean language and to dress in a way that is Disney Channel-friendly!  Disney’s casting department will definitely vet social media profiles!  What you put out on social media is an extension of your personality, and you want to present yourself as someone who will be fun and easy to work with.

Express your personality.

By all means, post photos and videos related to your acting talents.  But, more importantly, be sure to express your authentic self!  Post content of you engaged in your favorite hobbies, such as hiking, basketball, dancing, etc.  Post goofy memes! If you love animals, post all of the cute animal memes you can find. Everyone loves a photo of you and your puppy. 

Make it about others.

It’s so important that you engage with other people on social media and support their talents and work!  Use social media as a tool to connect with people authentically.  The more you make it about other people, the more you will get out of it. 

Have fun.

I can’t say this enough: have fun!  This is one of the most important social media first steps.  If you are having fun, people will engage with your content more and will want to get to know you!  Enjoy the act of expressing yourself and of sharing your personality and talents! Good luck!

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