Dramatic Monologue: Emotional Turns

Dramatic Monologue: Emotional Turns

Dramatic Monologue: Emotional Turns

Oh, the excitement of selecting a dramatic monologue!  We at 3-2-1 Acting Studios in LA know that it can take some time to find the right monologue. Our master teacher John Walcutt is a pro when it comes to monologue selection and coaching.

In this video, John is identifying an ideal dramatic monologue for actors that has great emotional turns. 

Mind the length. 

Many casting directors will say they can see what they need to see within the first 20 seconds of an audition. When you are asked to do a monologue at an audition, you will typically be given one of three time limits: 2 minutes, 90 seconds, or 1 minute.

We recommend having a 90-second monologue and a 1-minute monologue comedy and dramatic ready to go! 

Show your range.

You will want your dramatic monologue to end, emotionally speaking, in a different place than it began. Make sure that your character makes strong choices and  goes on a full journey let’s say from sad to happy or visa versa.  You will never be faulted for making strong choices especially when the monologue  turns,  go with it and change your reactions, and expressions of emotions that make sense. This will show that you have great range and are a skilled actor. 

Pick material with emotional turns.

As John explains in the video, it’s best to choose material that has a lot of emotional turns.  This means that your character’s disposition changes throughout the course of the monologue..  Look carefully at your script and find where the monologue takes a dynamic turn. This  will inform you of what emotional changes to make. Your character most often never stays in one emotional place for too long  – instead shifting, or “turning”from emotion to emotion. This is what makes your performance exciting and full or surprises.

To this end, there can definitely be comedic moments in dramatic monologues, and vice versa. If you need help finding the comedy in your dramatic monologue bring it to your acting class or book a private lesson.. 

Find the Emotional Turns in this Monologue 

Basketball Fan 

Wow you’re such a beast… This is so…So amped to finally meet you in person. Am I right? I’ve been following your Basketball games since I was a kid..Your were MVP 5 years in a row!

This is epic…

I have seen every piece of footage on you. 86 Points in 1 game… damn!

I thought you were totally a goner in Texas last year when you got knocked down and didn’t get up right away…

Can you believe we are finally meeting? I brought my own basketball. I’m no slouch!

Hey, don’t look so scared… this is gonna be fun.. just you and me…

 What’s wrong with you man!! Don’t get all cry baby on me.

I didn’t want to TIE you up, but you didn’t leave me any option.

Ok enough chit chat. I’m so excited. So this is how our afternoon is gonna go down. OK… I’m gonna point my gun at you and onto the Basketball court we go. You will play for me until I tell you to stop.

If you try yelling or going crazy on me , I’m afraid I’m gonna have to shoot you. Sounds fair right? OK let’s do this! 

Did you find the emotional turns? I bet you did! Keep practicing with different dramatic monologues to find where the emotional “turns” are. This way you will be more prepared when you audition.

Enjoy the process 

As always, enjoy the process of selecting a dramatic monologue . We at 3-2- 1 Acting School in Los Angeles are wishing you the very best!

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