Acting Special Skills: Book More Roles

Acting Special Skills

Acting Special Skills: Book More Roles

As a lifelong actor and educator, I believe that we can never have enough acting special skills! I have been in this industry for over 25 years, and I have seen countless actors book fantastic commercial, film, and television roles in large part due to their fantastic special skills.  

If you are new to the industry — particularly to the commercial industry — acting special skills provide a great way for you to get your foot in the door. What are you good at? What do you love doing? Don’t underestimate the value of all of your skills. You never know which one will book you a job!  Here are some great examples of acting special skills that will help you to book work.

Cooking and Baking

Are you great at chopping vegetables? Rolling sushi? Decorating cupcakes? Breakdowns for restaurant and food commercials often ask for actors with REAL cooking and baking experience. Don’t take your skills for granted. Not everyone knows how to efficiently chop veggies. No skill is too small!  


We’ve written about dancing on the blog before. I’m actually a lifelong dancer myself. I booked many acting jobs due to my acting skills. Never taken a dance class? Don’t really consider yourself a dancer? It’s never too late to start. You never know when the skill will come in handy. Even understanding basic ballroom dance positions and foot patternings could serve you down the line.  If you are a seasoned dancer, and you live in LA, there are lots of great music video jobs, and the choreographers often teach classes at local studios between gigs!


Swimming is a fairly underrated special skill. It’s one thing to be able to make your way down the length of a pool; it’s another to be able to execute the backstroke and the butterfly stroke with precision and stamina.  Swimming is also a GREAT way to stay in shape. Brushing up on your swimming skills will be a win-win!


Calling all gamers!  Did you know that your gaming skills — and your love of video games in general — can help you to book work?  I’ve seen many breakdowns that ask for “real gamers,” so if you are video game-savvy, make sure to put that as a special skill on your resume.


I believe that every actor can benefit from singing training. When you expand your range as a singer, you expand your range as an actor. Reese Witherspoon learned to sing for the movie Walk the Line, and she ended up winning an Oscar for the role. She didn’t know how to sing before that film and considers the role of June Carter one of her greatest accomplishments.


Can you drive a stick shift?  A four wheeler? A vespa? Motorcycle? A regular old car? These skills can also help you to book work!


We all interact with technology on a daily basis.  I’ve definitely seen roles that call for fast typing skills. If you can type with speed, put this skill on your resume.

Roller Skating 

Roller skating is another fantastic acting special skill! Better yet, are you skilled at roller blading? If you know how to roller skate but haven’t done so in a while, now could be a great time to brush up on the skill — and get some great exercise in the process!

Have fun!

These are just a few ideas to inspire you.  Chances are, you already have MANY acting special skills. Enjoy the process of expanding as you learn about new hobbies, sports, skills!

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