Acting Reactions: Exercises for Enhancing Presence

Acting Reactions: Exercises for Enhancing Prescence

Acting Reactions: Exercises for Enhancing Presence

When it comes to acting, reactions are key! We at 3-2-1- Acting Studios in Los Angeles support our students in developing strong listening and reaction skills so that they can be more present in scenes and in the audition room.  Our students learn about acting reactions through a variety of exercises. Here are some examples of great ways to sharpen your instincts and listening skills:

Follow the Leader Exercise

In the video, you will see a group of students following one of our teachers in a very fun game. You can’t see what the teacher is doing, but, off camera, she is demonstrating a series of physical and vocal cues. The students are “mirroring” her – all the while having a total blast! This exercise helps young actors to fine-tune their listening and reacting skills. They are focusing…without even realizing they are focusing, because they are having so much fun. As a result, they are totally present and “in the moment” – which is one of our top goals as actors.


We also lead students in a variety of improv exercises and games. When engaged in improv exercises, students use their imaginations to create scenes “on the fly.” There are no scripts in improv. Students must use their imaginations to collaborate and tell stories.  They also need to listen so that they can make moment-to-moment character and story choices that feed off of their scene partners.  Improv is also very fun – and a great way to prep for commercial auditions.  Lots of commercial casting directors look for improv classes on actors’ resumes.

Zip Zap Zop

One great improv game is known as “Zip Zap Zop.” During this game, students stand in a circle. The first student makes eye contact with any student in the circle and claps their hands towards the student by saying “zip!” The student who receives this clap makes eye contact with another student in the circle while clapping and saying “zap!” And lastly, the student who receives the clap identifies another student while saying “zop!”  This game goes on and on until a student breaks the pattern. Then, everyone starts over!  Zip zap zop helps students to build eye contact skills as well as communication and listening skills.

Scenes with less dialogue

Another way to explore acting reactions: work on a scene in which your character says very little…but the other character says a whole lot! Some of the most powerful moments in cinematic history have occurred when an actor is in a state of totally present – and wordless – active listening. Working on scenes with less dialogue (for you) is a great way to sharpen your listening skills.

Have fun!

As always, we encourage you to have fun as you cultivate your listening and acting reaction skills!  We can’t wait to see you in class here at 3-2-1 Acting School in Los Angeles (either in person or online), and we are wishing you the very best!

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